Every day is a bad hair day for The Donald

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dumbest Guy in the Room. (Is that still true if the 'Jersey Shore' cast is there too?)

The Donald has said that he would impose a 25% tariff on all imports from China. Subsequently and even more ridiculously, he amended this to a 25% to 40% tariff range. He may be a billionaire, but he is also a dunce who hasn’t heard of the World Trade Organization. America would of course be subject to retaliatory measures and penalties if it did what Trump is suggesting.  He’ll say anything to get attention, of course. I’m starting to think that he’s the Democratic Party’s Manchurian candidate – in this case, programmed to upset any possibility of the Republicans winning in 2012.
He has in the past contributed more to the Democrats than the Republicans.  (The Dem recipients even include Charles Rangel.) Trump’s excuse is that he works in New York City, and has no choice.
Trump hasn’t voted in the NYC primary elections since 1989, according to the New York City Board of Elections. Is he a man who gives a damn?  He did furiously deny this accusation, but apparently, he also didn’t vote in some presidential primaries.
In case you - like me - think that Trump isn’t serious about his candidacy, be aware that conservative columnist and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer has called Trump “destructive” and compared him to Al Sharpton (nice one Chucky, or is that comparison about their hair?). Incidentally, Robert De Niro last night compared Trump to a car salesman.
Trump phoned Krauthammer and persuaded him that his candidacy was serious. Krauthammer now believes Trump is definitely campaigning for the Republican nomination.
Trump has been working the phones. He called Eliot Spitzer (CNN, In the Arena) on Friday to complain that he was worth much more than Spitzer’s on-screen speculation. Trump claimed that he was worth much more than the Forbes estimate of $2.7 billion The Donald also told Spitzer that he’d release his financial records when he formally enters the campaign.
I’ve seen the Forbes figure as $2.4 billion, but never mind. In any event, Forbes calls him 153rd richest in USA. Forbes also calls him the ‘Dumbest Guy in the Room’ for his suggestion to  George Stephanopoulos (ABC, Good Morning America) that the US should ‘reimburse’ itself for the money spent on the Iraq war by seizing the Iraqi oilfields – by military force.
Of course, if he had to win, it might not be all bad. In Melania Trump, we’d have a former Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model as First Lady. I had first thought that Sarkozy might then visit the White House more often, but I now recall that Trump dated Carla Bruni!


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